Evelyn is from Kitilikini village. Her confident, outgoing personality has already helped make a powerful difference in many girls lives there. Kitilikini, along with the neighboring village of Oltarakuia, is populated by a sub sect of Maasai called the Purko Massai. The villages has been especially proactive in pursing a secondary school for their children. Evelyn grew up there with ten brothers and sisters, and her parents were supportive of all their children’s educations. Evelyn became a star student and athlete, graduating from high school in a region where historically only 1 in 20 girls has done so.

“Every one of the parents from my community that I’ve talked to have now promised to take their children to school. For me, seeing this change take place is important because we can gain role models for our community. We can gain needed doctors, teachers, and even pilots… I want to become a role model to Maasai girls and continue to work tirelessly to ensure their future opportunities and dignity are protected. Through Team Angaza, I am very optimistic that we shall change the lives of many.”

*Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting